Field Cultivators
The KUHN Krause 5635 field cultivator, with its 5 rows of shanks, provides the residue flow necessary to work in today's high-yielding cash crop conditions, while shanks on true 6" spacing and split-the-middle shank pattern ensure that volunteer weeds are removed across the entire width of the machine. Features such as the exclusive floating hitch design and positive stop depth control ensure working depth remains consistent for even germination and uniform emergence.
Power Harrows
Optimum seedbed preparation is a prerequisite for good and consistent germination and crop development. The crumbling, leveling and packing work of KUHN power harrows are the keys to maximizing the productivity of your crops. The wide choice for blades, rollers and the multitude of gears available for the Duplex gearbox make KUHN power harrows a durable, reliable choice for your operation.
Power Tillers
For over 50 years, KUHN has been perfecting the rotary power tiller, while always focusing on giving producers, from homeowners to large commercial operators, the best ROI possible. Incorporating residue, enhancing soil structure and improving subsequent root development; if one or more of these are goals you want to accomplish, a KUHN power tiller is your solution.
Secondary Tillage
A uniform soil surface, level seedbed and evenly distributed residue are key to achieving perfect planting conditions. Secondary tillage tools from Kuhn North America are the final step towards creating the perfect seedbed and maximizing yield potential. They have been designed to be versatile enough to excel in a wide range of working conditions, and provide the efficient and reliable performance expected of all KUHN products.